Focus Group Discussion
February 14, 2004 from 10:00 - 12:00
Polish Combatants Club at 206 Beverley Street in Toronto

We are pleased to invite you to a Focus group discussion organized by the Polish Canadian Womens Federation as a part of our project supported by the Canadian Heritage (Multiculturalism program). The purpose of the project is to develop links with other ethno-cultural groups in order to address and share issues common to us all. Hon. Jean Augustine, Minister of Multiculturalism will attend the luncheon to say a few words about the importance of such community initiatives.
  • 10:00    Welcome - Anna Szufnara, President
                Introduction of the participants
  • 10:10    Yvonne Bogorya, Project Coordinator
                Purpose of the project, Planning for change: Developing links with the community
  • 10:20    Needs assessment survey - Gina Valle, Consultant
  • 10:30    Small group discussion of 3 topics outlined below
  • 11:15    Report back from the groups and general discussion
  • 11:45    Final comments and wrap up
                Please take time to fill out the survey and return to YB
  • 12:00    Lunch
Thank you for your participation!
Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski, Project Director, Polish Canadian Women's Federation
Teresa Biderman , President, University of Toronto, Polish Students' Club
Olga Danylak, President, World Council of Ukrainian Social Sciences
Margaret Dvorsky, President, Slovak Canadian National Congress
Eleonora Filippone, National Congress of Italian Canadians - Toronto District
Marta Naberesznyj, Cultural Liaison, The World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations (Ukrainian Catholic Women)
Rose Pape, Board member, National Congress of Italian Women
Dorota Sobocka, President, Ryerson University, Polish Students' Club
Anna Szepetyk , World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations
Mary Szkambara, President, World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations
Anna Szufnara, President, Polish Canadian Women's Federation
Justyna Tymowska, Project consultant, PCWF
Gina Valle, Project consultant
Ruta Zilinskas, President, Lithuanian Canadian Community
Josey Di Zio, Board member, National Congress of Italian Canadians, COSTI Immigrant Services
We will be discussing the following topics on February 14. Please take a few moments to review them and reflect on them so that we will be prepared to discuss them on Saturday.

Topic 1: Challenges

What are the challenges that your organization is facing? Please be specific.
Why are they challenges?
Are you aware of other organizations facing similar challenges?

Topic 2: New Initiatives

What initiatives have you considered to address the challenges you face?
What has worked and why? Please be specific.
What has not worked and why?

Topic 3: Building links together

Can you state, in very practical terms, how different ethno-cultural groups can work together?
Why should we work together?
How do we convince our members to be in favour of this objective?

Thank you for your participation!
On February 14, 2004, the Polish - Canadian Women's Federation organized a mini-conference (Focus Group Discussion) followed by a luncheon at the Polish Combatants' Association Club in Toronto.

The workshop and luncheon was attended by the Honorable Jean Augustine, Minister of Multiculturalism and by leaders of women organizations representing Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Slovak, Italian, and Polish Communities. There were also representatives of Polish Student Associations from Ryerson and University of Toronto. It was one of the first meetings of women representing various ethno-cultural groups. Its purpose was to develop working contacts and to provide feedback on the study conducted by the Polish Canadian Women's Federation. Discussions focused on challenges experienced by the communities, new initiatives and ways in which our communities can build bridges and work together. Participants appreciated the opportunity to exchange their ideas and found this meeting a first step in the right direction. The Lithuanian Congress may organize the next meeting of this kind.

Dr. Yvonne Bogorya - Buczkowski, coordinator of the project introduced the survey conducted among members of the Federation, youth organizations and other ethno-cultural groups. Gina Valle, the consultant was leading discussions, which resulted in a resolution that we need more information sharing and contacts between the groups. Spanish, Portuguese Congresses expressed their interest in further participation but could not be present this time.

Hon. Jean Augustine, Minister of Multiculturalism, thanked for this initiative and stressed that it happened due to the support received from the Multiculturalism program of the Federal Government. The idea of developing links and building bridges between ethno-cultural groups can bring constructive results. This is what we mean by multiculturalism: learning about each other's heritage and participating more fully in Canadian social and political life.
