- Since the beginning of 2022 members of the Board were working hard discussing many topics which must be announced and voted during the upcoming General Convention on May 15, 2022, on a Zoom platform.
During the Convention, changes to the main Federation documents must be approved and also the election to the Board of Directors will be held.
Meetings of the Board are still held through the social media (Zoom).
- Under the INFORMATOR tag you will find the latest edition of the publication informing about the work of the President of the Federation, as well as Branches and the Jadwiga Dobrucka Fund in 2021.
There are also "In memoriam" pages with the short stories about our members who passed away in 2021, the organisational units of the Federation (contacts) and, as usual, a few interesting information.
As the publication of the INFORMATOR fell in the 65th anniversary year of the Federation, each of the Branches briefly described its history.
You are very welcome to read the INFORMATOR!
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the activities of the Board of Directors as well as the Branches of the Federation are limited
to actions that can be performed in this difficult period of time.
President's Message
Dear Members and Friends of the Polish Canadian Women's Federation
At the end of the year 2021 I would like to express my admiration for the most creative projects undertaken by various branches, including the video on the roles of women in history prepared by Branch #3 in Edmonton and the unveiling of the Monument to the First Polish Settlers in Alberta,
very original competitions for children reading and singing in Polish organized by Branch #7 in Winnipeg, an impressive ability to collect donations and develop new approaches to charity by Branch #13 in Mississauga, and visits to Retirement Homes by members of Branch #24 in Mississauga that bring smiles to seniors and teach children how to respect elders. I would like to thank all the branches and their members for their dedicated work.
The Federation was planning to held a general meeting and a banquet to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of our organization, but it was not possible to do it during the pandemic. We hope to be able to do it next year. The Executive of the Federation had a busy year, using Skype for virtual meetings. The Executive decided to modernize the existing website and provide links to all branches. We would like to hire a professional company to design a new website and hope to obtain a grant to cover the expenses. Nina Kolesnikoff and Maria Ambroszkiewicz prepared a grant application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation. We will know the results by the spring of 2022. In the meantime I would like to encourage you to prepare the materials and photos to be posted on the new site.
As President of the Federation I participated in many virtual meetings, including those of the Council of the Polish Canadian Congress, the general meetings of the Polish Congress, of the Millenium Foundation and of the Society of Polish Engineers in Canada. I also attended special Masses celebrating the Constitution of the 3rd May, the Day of Independence, and the Memory of the Cursed Soldiers. I was invited to a banquet for the departing Consul General Krzysztof Grzelczyk and a reception for the new Consul Magdalena Pszczolkowska.
On behalf of the Federation I sent letters to the Belarusian Consulate asking for a release from prison of Polish activists in Belarus, and letters of congratulations to the Catholic League celebrating its 65th anniversary and to the Association of Polish Engineers in Canada celebrating its 80th anniversary.
The Canadian Polish Women's Federation made donations to the Polish Museum in Rapperswil ($50) and the John Paul II Foundation ($50), Polish Library in Montreal ($200), Polish language program at the University of Toronto ($200), Association of Polish Engineers in Canada ($200) and Maestro Rozbicki ($100).
In January this year passed away Teresa Wierzbicka, the President of Branch 15 in Toronto. A delegation of our members attended her funeral. Let her rest in peace. I visited her apartment and collected some documents related to the work of our organization and passed them to Beata Mozdzanowska, an incoming President of Branch 15.
There are several outstanding projects to be completed in the coming year, such as the ordering of badges for the outstanding members of the Federation to be presented at the 65th Anniversary Banquet, preparation of panels and slides of photos illustrating the Federation's history, organizing a sixth Competition of Young Talent either in the fall of 2022 or the spring of 2023.
I would like to thank my colleagues from the Executive for their cooperation, help and support. My special thanks go to our secretaries Nina Kolesnikoff and Ala Tomicka, our treasurer Maria Ambroszkiewicz, and our webmaster Malgosia Boczkowska for her excellent editorial work on our annual Bulletin which comes as a New Year's gift.
I would like to thank all the members of the Executive Board for their cooperation and teamwork.
I am sending also best Christmas wishes and Happy New Year to all our members of the Polish Canadian Women's Federation, their families and friends hoping that the approaching year will allow us to return to normality and continue the charitable undertakings.

XIX General Convention of PCWF, May 25-27, 2018 in Edmonton, AB. More information in Meetings
- On July 24 the members of the Board of Directors of the PCWF took part in the Gala banquet
organized by Canadian Ethnocultural Council to celebrate the 150th birthday of Canada.
On the picture: Iwona Bogorya-Buczkowska, Edyta Tobiasz,
Katarzyna Grandwilewska i Irena Kremblewska
- The 124th AGM and Conference of the National Council of Women of Canada took place in Ottawa on 22-25 of July, 2017 with special guests,
the Board of Directors of the International Council of Women. On Thursday evening participants of the AGM had opening reception at the hotel
and then went to the National Art Gallery or the National Museum of History.
Friday evening they spent at the French Embassy where they had a wonderful tour of this Art Deco building.
Then they enjoyed a cocktail party hosted by the new Ambassador of France, who is France's first woman ambassador to Canada.
A few pictures from the events: here
- PWF's President Ewa Zadarnowska took part in the event commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Opening of Camp Kosciuszko,
the Military Training Camp and Cemetery of General Haller's Recruits in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario.
Photo relation by Mr. Jerzy Barycki: here
- In 2016 Polish Canadian Women's Federation celebrates its 60 anniversary!!!
Everyone is welcome to celebrate with us!
More information about the Anniversary Banquet is on the poster below. /click on the poster to enlarge/

On the occasion Ladies from PCF received a congratulation letter from Mrs. Teresa Berezowski, the President of the Canadian Polish Congress.
- On May 25, 2016 in PCA's Polish Hall in Toronto presidents of the cental Polish-Canadian organizations met with
Stephen de Boer, Canadian Ambasador to Poland. Among others, Teresa Berezowski the President of Polish Canadian Congress
attended the meeting. Our organization was represented by a member of the Board of Directors Ms. Yvona Bogorya-Buczkowski.
- On May 10, 2016 the ceremony commemorating the 225th anniversary of the Polish May 3rd Constitution, and
1050th anniversary of the Baptism of Poland was held in Ottawa. The ceremony was graced by the presence of the
President of Poland Mr. Andrzej Duda and his wife who visited Canada at the time.
Ewa Zadarnowska, the president of the Federation, and Ewa Konopacka, the member of Branch No. 8 in Ottawa were guests of honor at the ceremony.
- May 3rd, 2016 r. - on the occasion of the Polish May 3rd Constitution the Polish national flag
has been raised on in the front of Ottawa City Hall .
Ewa Zadarnowski, the President of the Federation took part in the ceremony along with several members the
Branch No. 8.
- On May 2, 2016 during the session of the Parliament of the Province of Ontario a special statement was given
on the occasion of the 225 anniversary of the Polish May 3rd Constitution. Members of the Board of Directors Yvonna Bogorya-Buczkowski and Alicja Kotynia,
as well as Krystyna Kaminska (newly elected president of the Branch No. 17) and Julius Kirejczyk,
president of the Toronto's CPC branch participated in this parliamentary session.
Jeff Yurek, MPP - statement
On 23 of April 2015 two of the former presidents of the Federation, Irena Kremblewski and Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski were awarded the Provincial Volunteer Award
for 50 and 30 years accordingly for their dedicated work for our organization.
On June 14, 2015, vice-president of PCWF for Central Canada, Alicja Kotynia, took part in the ceremony held to pay homage to the
all-volunteer Haller's Blue Army trained and organized in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON,
in 1917/1918. The ceremony took place in Vincent de Paul Cemetery, where some of the recruits were buried.
picture 1,
picture 2
XVIII General Convention of PCWF, May 15-17, 2015 in Hamilton, ON. More information in Meetings
The POLISH SPIRIT exhibition is back in Ottawa!
POLISH SPIRIT presents the achievements of Canadians, and for this display,
those with an Ottawa connection (15 out of 61), of Polish origin who have made significant
contributions to Ontario's heritage in community work, politics, culture, science\engineering.
Come to the BYTOWN MUSEUM located alongside the set of eight locks on the Rideau Canal
between Parliament Hill and the Château Laurier beetween January 13th and March 23rd to see the exhibition.
More details at: Bytown Museum
Find out more about all 61 individuals, which exhibit includes at
The 3rd edition of the YOUNG TALENT'S CONCERT GALA will be
held in the Beverley Halls SPK, 206 Beverley St., Toronto on March 2, 2014 at 3pm.
More details:
Here are pictures from the previous edition in 2011:
picture 1
shows awards recipients, members of the jury and organizing committee:
Iwona Bogorya-Buczkowska, Katarzyna Grandwilewska, Dagmara Ulanowska,
Magda Szewczyk, Edyta, Malgorzata Jedlewska. (Photo: Krzysztof Filaber),
picture 2 Joanna Gorska - first prize winner.
picture 3:
Dagmara Ulanowska, Katarzyna Grandwilewska, Edyta Tobiasz, Malgorzata Jedlewska i Magda Szewczyk,
picture 4 award winners, sponsors, jury, thank you notes...
Coming soon...
- XVII General Convention, May 18-20, 2012. More information in Meetings
- Board of Directors with the members of the Branches: #1, #13, #17, #18 and # 24 were celebrating Christmas with guests: Krystyna Sroczynska (KPK), Natalia Kusendowa (PISK) and Margaret Maye.
See picture
- On September 24, 2011 members of the Board of Directors were participating in the banquet organized by Polish Canadian Congress.
On the
with Wladyslaw Lizon, MP (Mississauga-Cooksville) are: (from the left)
Irena Kremblewska, Ela Sulatycka, Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski,
Katarzyna Grandwilewska and Barbara Wozniak (Branch #8)
The Polish Spirit Exhibit opens to the public on May 24th, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the Metro Hall (Rotunda).
Hosted by Peter Milczyn, Councillor of the City of Toronto and Dr. Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski.
To see the invitation, please click
page 1 and
page 2
May 16, 2011, Media Release: The "Polish Spirit" at Metro Hall
May 12, 2011, Letter of Appreciation from Teresa Berezowski, President of the Canadian Polish Congress
- Opening of the Polish Spirit Exhibit organized by the Polish Canadian Women's Federation and sponsored
by a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation on September 26, 2009 at the City Hall, Mississauga

More information about the exhibition: "Polish Spirit"
here and
Learn more about 60 Canadians of Polish heritage ...here...
From the media:
- The letter to the Premier Dalton McGuinty regarding the proclamation of the April 2nd the Pope John Paul II Day in Ontario.
click here
- The International Womens' Day Breakfast in Etobicoke - March 6, 2009.
Our President Iwona Bogorya-Buczkowski was there and celebrated with other woman.
Pictures from the event:
From the "My Etobicoke"
Picture 2
- The Canadian Ethnocultural Council held its biennial general assembly on June 1, 2008 in Toronto.
Dr. Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowska, the president of the PCWF has been re-elected for the next two year term to the CEC's Executive Committee.
Also see pictures:
(1) -
Ms. Iwona Bogorya- Buczkowski and Hon. Jason Kenney
(2) -
Ms. Iwona Bogorya-Buczkowski, Hon. Jason Kenney and Stanislaw Godzisz, the CPC's Secretary General
- Polish Folklore Exhibit at the Bata Shoe Museum organized by the Polish Women's Federation and the Folk Dance Group "White Eagle" (Bialy Orzel)
The opening ceremony was attended by the Consul Mr. Andrzej Krezela and the president of KPK Mr. Wladyslaw Lizon and
took place at the Bata Shoe Museum on February 2, 2008. The entire month of February had been announced the month of Polish Folklore.
The recording from the ceremony is available at
with the date February 9, 2008.
Photos are also available on the Community Folk Arts Council of Toronto website,
under the subheading "Tap your Toes around the World" - Polish Exhibit.
- Death of Robert Dziekanski at a Vancouver airport - Letter to Hon. Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration -
Sent Nov. 15, 2007 by Yvonna Bogorya-Buczkowski (pdf)
- Report to Provincial Council of Women, Semi-Annual Meeting Nov. 19, 2007
- Report from The World Conference of Polish Women, Warsaw, Poland, Friday, Sept. 21, 2007
- Report of the Polish-Canadian Womens' Federation presented by Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski, President,
to the Provincial Council of Woman, Semi - Annual, 2007
- 140th Anniversary of the Election of the First Polish Canadian to the Parliament of Canada
- Alexander Edward Kierzkowski from Quebec - October 22, 2007, Parliament, Ottawa (by Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski)
- Canadian Ethnocultural Council - August 15 - 19, 2007 - YOUCAN Youth Dialogue Forum: Resolving Conflict and Cross-Cultural Understanding
- Report of the Polish-Canadian Womens' Federation presented by Yvonne Bogorya-Buczkowski, President,
to the Provincial Council of Woman - April 27-29, 2007, St.Catharines
- Report to the National and Provincial Council of Women, April 2007
- Some thoughts on multiculturalism: February 20, 2007. Developed for the Canadian Ethnocultural Council (CEC)
- 50th Anniversary Concert

you will see some of greetings and congratulation letters from:
- Dalton McGuinty - Premier of Ontario
- James K. Bartleman - Office of Lieutennant Governor of Ontario
- Milica Kovacevich - President of Provincial Council of Women on Ontario
- Mrs. Adele Simpson - President of Marie Curie Sklodowska Association
Members of Branch no. 1, the first branch of PCWF established 50 years ago.
- 50th Anniversary of Polish Canadian Women's Federation
In celebration of our forthcomming 50th anniversary we are planning exhibition:
"Polish Spirit - Polish Canadians' contribution to
the Canadian legacy.
Our heritage; Our way of life; Our aspirations
for the future".
- Gold Fish
(only in Polish language)
The letter to The Ontario Trillium
Foundation Here
Certificates and Letters of Appreciation:
- Letter from Teresa Berezowski, President of the Canadian Polish Congress, 2011
- Letter from Defense Attaché of the Embassy of Poland Colonel Dobroslaw
Maka, 2005 (.pdf)
- Government of Canada - Certificate, 2003
- Prime Minister of Poland, Mrs Hanna Suchocka, 1992
- Norwegian Nobel Committee, 1982 (.pdf)
- Letter from Primat of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, 1978
- Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 1976
Pictures from the
- Members of Branch no. 1, the first branch of PCWF established 50 years ago,
- Delegates for the General Convention of the Canadian Polish Congress,
Calgary, AB, Oct. 7, 2006
- Toronto, City Hall, Christmas Around the World, 2005
- Vancouver, Oct. 15, 2004
- Windsor, Oct. 30, 2004
- Greetings from Stephanie Powers
Zofia de Witt - Chairperson of
Manitoba Advisory and Advocacy Council |
Zofia de Witt (left) with Minister Nancy Allen
The government of the Province of Manitoba, committed to the promotion of the Canadian
Policy of Multiculturalism, enacted the Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy
Council Act on July 6, 2001. The creation of the Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and
Advocacy Council (MEAAC), consisting of sixteen (16) elected members by the Manitoba
ethnocultural organizations and five (5) appointed by government for a three-year
term, signified its intent to promote cultural retention, social harmony and equality. |
The role of MEAAC is to advise government on issues important to the diverse ethnocultural
community of our province. The mandate of the Council is to advocate on behalf of
Manitoba's ethnocultural community and to provide information, advice, and recommendations
to government through the Minister responsible for Multiculturalism on all ethnocultural
matters in the province. This includes, but not limited to, anti-racism, education, human rights,
immigration, settlement, youth, cultural linguistic diversity, and heritage.
The council collaborates with other advisory bodies in its effort to be most effective.
The Council initiated six standing committees to examine issues raised by the government
or the ethnocultural communities to recommend action. Each committee examines issues,
policies, programs, and priorities relevant to its area of interest:
- Anti-racism - deals with issues about human rights, race relations, diversity, equity, and discrimination.
- Education - reviews education policies, programs, and position papers.
- Immigration and Employment - considers issues about immigration, settlement, employment equity, training, and immigrant seniors.
- Cultural and Linguistic Diversity - considers heritage language and culture retention issues.
- Youth - considers issues and priorities of youth and how to encourage youth's participation in their respective ethnocultural communities.
- Outreach - plans with Council and organizes outreach activities such as an annual open house, newsletter, and others.
Needless to say, our success requires the support and cooperation of all ethnocultural
communities. We sincerely invite members of these communities to meet and dialogue with us.
Together, we can overcome many of the challenges of cultural diversity and work toward
attaining societal harmony where every citizen in our province will experience the
benefits of equal opportunity, freedoms, and mutual understanding. We can contribute
to making our community more inclusive and welcoming to new immigrants.
The Council has been very productive since its inception under the capable leadership
of its past chairs Mr. John Jack and Dr. Romulo Magsino. This would not have been possible
without the support of the Multiculturalism Secretariat, the Honorable Nancy Allan
and former Minister Becky Barret.
The Council looks forward to providing Minister Allan with timely advice on issues
which will address the needs and concerns of Manitoba's ethnocultural communities.
Sincerest wishes,

Zofia de Witt
MEAAC Chairperson |
Honoring the Life
of Janet Greene-Potomski (1952-2005) |
April 18, 2007
Janet Green Potomski was born in Dearborn, Mi.
In 1980 she moved to Windsor.
She was Executive Director of the Women's Incentives Centre.
It was a non-profit, charitable organization serving women in this community since 1981.
It's mandate was to promote and enhance the status of women, and effect this mandate was
through counseling, skills training, community development, public education and research.
Hundreds of women have got here the skills and started their career over,
leaving social assistance behind.
She was chosen Windsor's Women of the Year in 1988. Since early nineties
Centre was organizing each year in April Gala Banquet "Windsor Women of the Year".
Janet joined Polish Canadian Women's Federation Chapter 20 in Windsor in 2003. |
8, 2007, on International Women's Day, the new Co-ordinator for Status
of Women Canada was announced: Clare Beckton, former ADM at
Justice Canada.
March 8, 2007
Today, Minister Oda announced
an additional $5 million in new funding towards Status of Women Canada
for 2007-2008, and a new funding mechanism for the Women's Program.This
increase brings the total budget for the Women's Program from $10.8
million to $15.3 million, the largest budget in the history of Status
of Women Canada. Minister Oda has the lead on this issue. Please use
the following lines when bridging out of interviews, or when speaking
with local media.
- Canada's New Government is proud to enhance the Women's Program
in order to make a real difference in the lives of Canadian women
who are facing challenges.
- Canada's New Government is committed
to modernizing Status of Women Canada and promised to redirect $5
million towards funding initiatives - directly benefiting women
in their communities. Promise made, promise kept.
- Canada's New Government
is increasing the budget of the Women's Program by 42 per cent,
bringing it to its highest level ever: $15.3 million.
- The new funding mechanism provides an important leveraging and partnership aspect
that has never been done before. This means more money and more
projects aimed directly at helping women in their communities in
an accountable and efficient manner.
As of April 1, 2007, the Women's Program will have two components: the Women's
Community Fund and the Women's Partnership Fund.
The Women's Community Fund ($1.5 million) will support projects at a local, regional and
national level in order to enable the full participation of women
in all aspects of Canadian life.
The newly-created Women's Partnership
Fund ($3 million) is an enhancement to the existing grant program
and will facilitate the engagement of eligible organizations and
public institutions through joint projects designed to address issues
pertaining to women. The additional funds will be used strategically
to leverage resources from these sources. With these new means,
the Women's Program will also be able to respond better to the growing
demand for financial assistance in addressing the economic, social
and cultural situation of women.
Michael Aubie, Communications Officer
Office / bureau: 613.957.5503 Fax / tilicopieur: 613.957.5556
Email / courriel: maubie@pmo-cpm.gc.ca |
Information from
National Council of Women of Canada for immediate release
December 5, 2006
On December 6, 1989, fourteen women were murdered at the Ecole Polytecnique
in Montreal. On September 13, 2006, one young woman was murdered and 20
others were wounded at Dawson College. Canada was shocked by these crimes
and cried out for something to be done – but what? And then we all went
on with our lives and forgot about them.
From time to time, a fresh incident shocks us again and there is another
shriek and squeak that “something must be done.” And then we go on and
forget again. And the MOST shocking part of all of this is that this all
happens - again and again - in an on-going climate of violence against
In books and video games and movies and television programs, women are
shoved, slapped, slugged, beaten, stabbed, shot - all in the name of entertainment.
And there is no outcry because these events mirror what Canadian women
face in their real, day-to-day lives!
Women CAN and DO EXPECT to be shoved and slapped and slugged and beaten
and stabbed and shot. That is the way women are treated in our society.
The people who do this to women - mostly men - may or may not be arrested
for doing these things. If taken to trial, they may or may not be sentenced
to some punishment for doing them. If sentenced, they do not serve out
the punishment decreed by the court. The punishment usually is shorter
than a similar violence against a man and is much shorter and lighter
than the effects of the violence against the woman.
There is little recognition of the real costs:
-- the pain for everyone affected,
-- the short- and long-term damage to the victim,
-- the damage to the children who witness this violence and see the lack
of punishment and grow up figuring that's just the way things are,
-- the costs to the taxpayer who pays for hospitals for the victims and
jails for the abusers and foster homes for the suddenly-displaced children
and people to oversee the programs.
Stronger gun laws and longer jail sentences may get some offenders off
the streets for a longer time; but they are not the real, long-term answer.
The only real answer to all of this violence is a change in the attitude
of our general population - that violence of any kind against any person
is WRONG. That violence will not be encouraged, laughed about, condoned,
tolerated or excused by any person, police officer, lawyer, prosecutor,
judge or jury member.
Violence affects every member of society and in many ways, and it certainly
is true that anyone who is not part of the solution is part of this problem!
On December 6th, we urge every Canadian to make a personal commitment
to speak out against violence in any form whenever you see it, to turn
off the violent programs, to not buy the games and movie tickets and to
not laugh at violence or tolerate those who commit violent acts.
In this way, we will truly remember and honour the deaths of the fourteen
women at the Ecole Polytecnique and all the women who have suffered violence
over the decades.
We CAN stop it. We MUST stop it – for the sake of our children!
The National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC) is a non-sectarian, non-partisan
federation of voluntary organizations whose goal is to improve the quality
of life for women and society through education. Founded in 1893, NCWC has
played a leading role in attaining many of the social advances of our society.
From women's equality to children's rights, from public health issues to
consumer protection, NCWC concerns are far-ranging, and its influence is
Contact: Carla Kozak, President
For more information on our organization, see our website at
or call our head office at (613) 232-5025. |
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Last update:
April 26, 2022